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I grant the HAMRO RUN CLUB (HRC) full permission to capture my image likeliness through photography (including motion captures), videography, or any other recordings. I understand and grant full permission for such content to be used in publication, social media, advertising, trade, and other lawful uses that further the efforts of HRC.


I further waive any right to inspect or approve the use of the image by HRC prior to its use, waive any right to compensation it may have related to the use of such media/publication, and additionally waive any right to any profit HRC may obtain from the use of the aforementioned images. I forever release and hold HRC harmless from all liability arising out of the use of the images in any manner or media whatsoever and waive any and all claims and causes of action relating to the use of the images, including without limitation, claims for invasion of privacy rights or publicity.

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